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Англо-русский строительный словарь - coat


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Перевод с английского языка coat на русский

слой, покров; штукатурный намёт обшивка, облицовка; плакировка покрывать; облицовывать грунт грунтовать anticorrosive coat asphalt coat back coat base coat beam sheet coat body coat brown coat concrete blinding coat dash-bond coat fining coat first coat float coat floated coat ground coat leveling coat pricking-up coat prime coat protective coat rendering coat scratch coat sealing coat second coat setting coat sharp coat sheet backing coat skim coat sound-deadening coat tack coat top coat waterproofer coat wearing coat white coat zinc coat
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См. в других словарях

  1) покрытие, покрывающий слой наносить покрытие, покрывать 2) строит. штукатурный намёт 3) строит. грунт грунтовать 4) полигр. мелование (бумаги) меловать (бумагу), наносить меловой слой 5) полигр. лакировать to brush on coat — наносить покрытие кистью to coat a mould — метал. обмазывать форму to coat with paint — покрывать краской to give a coat of varnish — покрывать лаком to scratch a plaster coat — насекать намет штукатурки - anodic coat - brown plaster coat - cathodic coat - coat of plaster - deck coat - dip coat - first coat - flame-retardant coat - glass coat - hot-dip metal coat - hydrophobic coat - low-conductivity coat - metallized coat - paint coat - protective coat - refractory coat - rubberized coat - scratch plaster coat - silicone coat - sprayed coat - strip coat - surfaced coat - vitreous coat ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) оболочка, плева 2) покров, слой; покрывать 3) мех, шерсть, шёрстный покров – adult coat – baby coat – birth coat – buffy coat – choroid coat – fruit coat – hair coat – jelly coat – muscular coat – outer coat – pigment coat – protecting coat – scleral coat – seed coat – serous coat ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. пиджак; жакет; куртка; китель morning coat —- визитка tail coat —- фрак coat and skirt —- женский костюм 2. верхняя одежда, пальто fur coat —- шуба 3. мех, шерсть; шкура (животного) to cast its coat —- линять (о животном) 4. оперение (птицы) 5. анат. оболочка, плева 6. спец. оболочка protein coat —- белковая оболочка (вируса) 7. покров, слой coat of snow —- снежный покров coat of paint —- слой краски 8. спец. грунт 9. стр. намет (штукатурки) 10. спец. обшивка; облицовка; плакировка Id: to wear the king's coat —- служить в английской армии Id: to turn one's coat —- переменить свои убеждения; перейти на сторону противника, перебежать в лагерь противника Id: to take off one's coat to the work —- взяться за работу, засучив рукава Id: to trail one's coat —- держаться вызывающе, лезть в драку Id: cut the coat according to the cloth —- по одежке протягивай ножки Id: it's not the day coat that makes the gentleman —- не одежда красит человека 11. покрывать слоем to coat wood with paint —- покрасить дерево ice coated the roads —- дороги покрылись льдом 12. спец. грунтовать 13. спец. облицовывать 14. редк. одевать ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  hanger noun вешалка-плечики для пальто COAT and skirt женский костюм COAT  1. noun  1) пиджак; мундир; френч; китель - Eton coat - tail coat - clawhammer coat - morning coat - coat and skirt  2) верхнее платье, пальто to take off ones coat - снять пальто  3) мех, шерсть; rare шубка (животного); оперение (птицы)  4) слой, покров coat of snow - снеговой покров coat of paint - слой краски coat of dust - слой пыли  5) anat. оболочка, плева  6) tech. облицовка, обшивка; обкладка; грунт - coat of arms - coat of mail to dust a mans coat (for him) вздуть, отколотить кого-л. to take off ones coat приготовиться к драке [ср. тж. coat  2) ] to take off ones coat to (the) work горячо взяться за работу to turn ones coat менять свои убеждения, взгляды; переходить на сторону противника  2. v.  1) покрывать (краской и т.п.) his tongue is coated - у него язык обложен  2) облицовывать COAT of arms гербовый щит, герб COAT of mail кольчуга ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) верхняя одежда; пальто; куртка 2) пиджак; китель 3) слой; покрытие (см. тж coating) наносить слой; наносить покрытие 4) грунт грунтовать 5) полигр. поливать (формную пластину) 6) меловать (бумагу) to apply coat by dipping — наносить покрытие окунанием; to splash on plaster coat — наноситьслой штукатурки набрызгом; to spray on coat — наносить покрытие набрызгом или напылением - coat of color - aluminum coat - anticorrosive coat - antifreezing coat - antirust coat - apres-ski coat - asphalt coat - asphalt color coat - asphalt tack coat - backing coat - base coat - bituminous coat - body coat - box coat - browning coat - brown coat - buffer coat - car coat - cold-applied coat - corrosion-resistant coat - dash-bond coat - decorative coat - dress coat - duffel coat - duster coat - fining coat - finishing coat - finish coat - first coat - flame-retardant coat - floated coat - frock coat - full coat - glaze coat - ground coat - hot-applied coat - hydrophobic coat - lapel-less coat - lead-tin coat - leveling coat - loden coat - low-conductivity coat - mast coat - mist coat - oil coat - paint coat - perennial coat - piaster coat - pricking-up coat - prime coat - protective coat - refractory coat - rendering coat - rubberized coat - scratch coat - seal coat - sealing coat - second coat - semibright coat - setting coat - sharp coat - skimming coat - skim coat - slimline coat - tack coat - topping coat - warehouse coat - water-repellent coat - white coat - wrap coat ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 an outer garment with sleeves and often extending below the hips; an overcoat or jacket. 2 a an animal's fur, hair, etc. b Physiol. a structure, esp. a membrane, enclosing or lining an organ. c a skin, rind, or husk. d a layer of a bulb etc. 3 a a layer or covering. b a covering of paint etc. laid on a surface at one time. --v.tr. 1 (usu. foll. by with, in) a apply a coat of paint etc. to; provide with a layer or covering. b (as coated adj.) covered with. 2 (of paint etc.) form a covering to. Phrases and idioms coat armour coats of arms. coat dress a woman's tailored dress resembling a coat. coat-hanger see HANGER(1). coat of arms the heraldic bearings or shield of a person, family, or corporation. coat of mail a jacket of mail armour (see MAIL(2)). on a person's coat-tails undeservedly benefiting from another's success. Derivatives coated adj. (also in comb.). Etymology: ME f. OF cote f. Rmc f. Frank., of unkn. orig. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English cote, from Anglo-French, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German kozza coarse wool mantle  Date: 14th century  1.  a. an outer garment worn on the upper body and varying in length and style according to fashion and use  b. something resembling a ~  2. the external growth on an animal  3. a layer of one substance covering another a ~ of paint  • ~ed adjective  • ~less adjective  II. transitive verb  Date: 14th century  1. to cover with a ~  2. to cover or spread with a finishing, protecting, or enclosing layer  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (coats, coating, coated) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A coat is a piece of clothing with long sleeves which you wear over your other clothes when you go outside. He turned off the television, put on his coat and walked out. N-COUNT 2. An animal’s coat is the fur or hair on its body. Vitamin B6 is great for improving the condition of dogs’ and horses’ coats. N-COUNT: usu with poss 3. If you coat something with a substance or in a substance, you cover it with a thin layer of the substance. Coat the fish with seasoned flour. VERB: V n with/in n • coated TV pictures showed a dying bird coated with oil... ADJ: v-link ADJ, ADJ with/in n, adv ADJ 4. A coat of paint or varnish is a thin layer of it on a surface. The front door needs a new coat of paint... N-COUNT: oft N of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a piece of clothing that is worn over your clothes to protect them or to keep you warm  (The lab assistants wear long white coats. | put on/take off your coat)  (Billy! Put your coat on, it's cold outside!) 2 BrE old-fashioned or AmE a piece of clothing that covers the top part of your body and is worn as part of a suit; jacket (1)  (A business suit usually consists of matching pants, coat, and vest.) 3 the fur, wool, or hair that covers an animal's body  (a dog with a glossy coat) 4 a thin layer of a liquid or other substance that you spread thinly over a surface + of  (He applied a light coat of varnish.) 5 white-coated/fur-coated/winter-coated etc wearing a white, fur etc coat  (- see also cut your coat according to your cloth cut1 (34), morning-coat) ~2 v 1 to cover something, especially food, with a thin layer of liquid or another substance  (Dust coated the furniture and everything smelled damp. | coat sth with/in)  (Herring is good coated in oatmeal and fried.) 2 metal-coated/plastic-coated etc covered with a thin layer of metal etc 3 sugar-coated a) covered with sugar b) making something seem more attractive, desirable etc than it really is  (The program depicts a sugar-coated version of family life.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1330, "outer garment," from O.Fr. cote, from Frank. *kotta "coarse cloth." Transfered to animal's natural covering c.1390. Extended 1663 to a layer of any substance covering any surface. A coat of arms (1489) was originally a coat with heraldic devices, worn over armor. To turncoat was to put one's coat on inside-out to hide one's badge. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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